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Ohio, United States
My journey before and after bariatric surgery.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

When it's special and means something

 A few weeks ago when Mother's Day was approaching, my sweet husband asked me what I wanted. 

Now, I don't know about you, but material things don't usually give me a thrill.  We're not rich.  We're not even "well-off", whatever that means.  When you ask me what I want, my mind goes blank. Our house is very small and I'm actually a few weeks away from doing a great big purge of our "stuff" as it is.  I don't need any thing

I need to lose a lot of weight.  I need more time at home.  I need more time to exercise and I need to feel more at peace and less frazzled.  I need to be able to wake up when my body and mind decides it's good and ready, not because the screeching alarm says it's time.  I need to have a really good grasp on what is the absolute best choice in academics for Eli.  I need confidence and wisdom.  I've only scratched the surface here on my list of needs. I have none of that, but the last time I checked you can't buy any of it or wrap it up in a box.

So as usual, I hem-hawed around and said a lot of, "I don't knows" and such. I asked for the boys to each buy me a box of my favorite pens -- Bic round stic Grip Fine point --a box of black and a box of blue, please.

Then, during the week leading up to Mother's Day, I was reading another autism mom's blog and she had mentioned and provided a link to The Jewel Box Studio, where the artist created and sold Autism Awareness jewelry pieces.   I followed the link and was so excited about the jewelry I saw that I told Ben, "I found what I want!" 

The brown side was what was advertised, but the white side is beautiful too, and I've worn it several times on both sides already.  Each necklace is an individual, there are no two alike.  It's a simple puzzle-piece outline against an abalone background. 

If you will remember the puzzle piece is the symbol of Autism.  I am so delighted with it because it means so much to me!  I can't think of a better Mother's Day Gift for me, because I take my role of being a Mom to a kid with Autism as an honor!  An honor that has been trusted to me directly from God the Father.  I don't take it lightly! 

Isn't it amazing when a piece of jewelry, or any other item for that matter, has deep, special, personal meaning to you??  Share with me something that means that much to you!  I would love to hear your stories. 

To someone who doesn't know, it's just a necklace.  But to me...to me it's a symbol of strength, a statement of courage, it's my medallion of hope...and oh, how I hope...I totally hope....that someone who doesn't know anything about Autism will say to me one day, "Hey...that's pretty, tell me about your necklace..." 

And I sure will!


  1. So glad you got a Mother's Day gift that is so meaningful to you. Hooray! (I happen to know the artist!)

  2. I feel like I could have written this post myself. Like you, I never know what to ask for when it is gift giving time. I am not much of a collector, so knick-knacks. Hubby begs me for ideas other than my usual request for cookbooks, yarn, and chocolate. Maybe I should tell him about the Jewel Box Studio. :) My twin daughters are on the autism spectrum and I think that is a very nice way to show support and raise awareness.

    Your writing is amazing and beautiful. I look forward to following your blog.

  3. @rhemashope - I do believe the artist is your mother, if I remember reading your blog correctly, which is how I found her site in the first place. Thank you SO MUCH for mentioning the site through your blog...or I never would have found it. I love my necklace!!!

    @Chacha - thank you so much! I'd replied thru my email account the day after you posted this, but I don't think it worked. It went all weird on me.

    Hugs to you both! I seriously love hearing from you!
