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Ohio, United States
My journey before and after bariatric surgery.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Her Own Special Way

(Written last night, but had trouble loading the video so I had to wait for my tech savvy hubby to help me out!)

Friday evenings are so hard for Eli.  The strain of the week catches up...the sensory overload overwhelms....his patience ebbs away along with his self-control and inevitably, more often than not, a Meltdown occurs.

Tonight was no different.

Eli seemed tired.  He wanted to play his video game again.  It's the weekend now, so I said okay, he could have another hour.  Well, he ran into a tough place in the game, got frustrated and completely lost his cool.

Sami, our dog, starts barking when Eli starts screaming.  I don't know if it's because his shrieks hurt her ears or if she's just upset that he's upset.  Probably a little of both.

Yes, our house is often an unpleasant cacophony of screaming and barking on Friday evenings as the two youngest residents just lose all control.  A weaker person...or perhaps a smarter one!... would just run and hide under the bed, but not me!  Nah, if you're looking for me on most Friday nights, you'll find me right in the middle of the fray trying to calm all parties down!

I was in another room when I heard the hysterics begin.  By the time I reached Eli, and was able to convince him that I was "safe", get him to come into my arms so I could lead him into his Safe Zone (his room) to help bring him back down to calmer level, the dog was just all in a tizzy! She pranced along with us into his room, barking the whole way, and jumped up on his bed to lay with him and comfort him in Her Own Special Way.

I'll just let you watch for yourself what exactly Her Own Special Way is...........

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