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Ohio, United States
My journey before and after bariatric surgery.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The day I cried in front of sixty-five 5th graders

Eli being goofy at Crafts 2000
On October 25th, I went to Eli's school to speak to the entire 5th grade (approximately 65 kids) about Tourette Syndrome, which is one of Eli's challenges.  It's the part which makes him repeat words, yell out words, and make noises, among other disruptive behaviors. 

I described to the boys and girls in Eli's grade what TS is - and what it isn't.  I explained about tics (not the crawly kind!) and broke it down for them in ways they could understand. I compared tics to the hiccups.  When you get the hiccups, you really can't control what your body is doing.  They can be annoying, and sometimes painful.  Tics can be like that too. 

I also compared tics to an itch on the bottom of your foot.  You can try and try to not scratch the itch, but more often than not, you have to take your shoe off and scratch that itch.  Tics can be like that as well, in as such you can fight it for a while, put it off from happening, but it will keep bugging you and bugging you until you have to "let the tic out".

I talked to this group of 10 and 11 year olds about different kinds of tics...sometimes they can be motions.  Sometimes they can be vocal. People will blink or rock or make movements with their hands, or faces, or other body parts.  They can't really control it...it happens.  Can you imagine how frustrating and embarrassing that can be for the person struggling with TS?  Sometimes people make noises with their mouths or throats or say words repetitively or just yell things out.  Sometimes they can fight the urge, but eventually it will occur.  Eli explained it best to me.  He said, "Sometimes things come out of my mouth before I even know I've done it...and then I can't take it back."  

I was pleased at how smoothly the talk was going.  The kids were great!  The were courteous and politely listening.  I was doing fine!  I wasn't nervous or anything; things were going very well.  

Then I got to the part where I was to tell them that they know someone with Tourette Syndrome.  And as I said Eli's name, my throat went closed.  I felt so much emotion explode in my chest and the tears welled in my eyes. 


My brain was screaming, "Nooooo!!!!  Don't you dare cry in front of all these kids!!!!"  How humiliating!  

The school counselor recognized I was struggling and he was kind enough to jump in and start talking for a bit so I could recover.

As I started to talk again though, I was still fighting the emotion, so I apologized and just pushed through it and eventually got back to where I was speaking clearly again. 

I hate doing that!!!!  I was mortified!!

Anyway, there was time for questions at the end, and a few kids did ask questions -- really GOOD questions!  I was really very impressed with their questions, and I could tell they'd really been listening, which made me feel good.  But do you know what most of the kids raised their hands to say? 

Most of the kids raise their hands to tell me about Eli.

Eli snuggling with his big brother, Ash, after Eli had been upset earlier.

They weren't tattling.  Not at all.  Most of the kids wanted to tell me how much they've seen him improve.  "Eli used to do this, but he doesn't do that anymore."  "I think Eli's come a long way since last year."  "I remember back when Eli used to do that, but he's changed a lot in the last few years and I never see him do that anymore."

Those kids will NEVER know how much hope, comfort and encouragement they gave me that day.  I'm so close to our life situation every single day, so it's hard to get a good perspective.  Sometimes I forget just how far Eli has really come!  Hearing these children, most of whom have been in class with Eli at one time or another for the past 7 years, tell me how much improvement they have seen in my child over the years.... that was the most uplifting gift those children could have given me!  They probably don't even realize how much kindness they extended to me that day.  I'm surprised I didn't cry again...but I was actually too busy beaming.  

Not only that, but knowing he is surrounded by 65 kids who will go all through school with him, who are accepting and understanding of him, who are growing up with tolerance as a part of their lives, who are friends with Eli and care about him as he is.... those precious boys and girls who sat there and gave me their attention and then told me nice things about my child.  I wanted to hug each and every one of them.  I was so proud of all of them! 

I saw something posted on Facebook the other day...it said something along the lines of, "Parents have to prepare their child for the world.  But parents of an autistic child have to prepare the world for their child." 

It's my hope that by helping his classmates to understand the reasons behind some of Eli's actions, and explaining some of the ways they can help him, they will take that knowledge with them all through life. Maybe when "scary Middle School" happens in less than two years, some of his former classmates will help explain him to all the new kids he will be joining at the Middle School.  Maybe they'll spread the acceptance, not only for Eli but for others they encounter along their life journeys, promoting understanding and graciousness and compassion. 

Makes me proud that these boys and girls are our future. 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

One man's trash is our boy's treasure

Eli loves to scavenge!  Everywhere we go, he loves to search the floors for items the rest of us would step over or not even see.  Springs, brads, nails, screws and bolts, rubber bands, paperclips, bits of string, plastic tags, pen caps, the occasional penny, colorful or shiny items, and other "cool" items which people drop on the floor and forget....our son spies these items and thinks Christmas has come early!  He collects these items, fills his pockets with them, brings them home to live on his shelf.

I have to watch Eli closely when it comes to his scavenging.  He feels anything on the floor is fair game!  He sometimes has trouble understanding that just because something rolled off a table and fell to the floor, doesn't necessarily mean he can stuff it in his pocket and take it home.  More than once we have had to make him return something he found because it actually belonged to someone.  This is upsetting to him!  It was on the floor, after all!  Why shouldn't it be his?!  

Last Sunday when Ben and I returned home from the hospital in Columbus after Ben's surgery, Eli was really struggling.  The 2 1/2 day separation was difficult on E and his emotions were all over the place that day.  I went in to his room to spend some time with him while he was attempting to calm down.  As I sat there talking with him, I glanced over to his treasure shelf.  I paused as what I was seeing began to register.

".....Eli...? Is that my eyeliner on your shelf?"


"Why do you have my eyeliner, Eli?"

Shrug.  "I don't know.  It was on the floor."


"Well, honey....it must have fallen out of my makeup basket.  May I please have my eyeliner back?"

Pause.  Sigh.  Resignation.

"I guess."

Apparently my eyeliner will be the one treasure that got away.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

So much to write about!

So much has occurred in the last month and a half that I hardly know where to begin.  Our family has faced a lot of trials, but we're still here!  And we keep putting one foot in front of the other.

We have been through med changes with Eli and half the adjustments have been good, half not so good.  We are currently waiting for a response from the Dr. for some direction.  It's been a rough 45 days for Eli and our family alike and I pray we are able to help get him back on track soon.  His anxiety is causing him many struggles, and these days I feel we've lost ground on many of our accomplishments.  Fortunately, I know we will move forward again in time.

Also, as of the beginning of October, we have left our church.  Four men whom we have loved and respected for many, many years put themselves in leadership roles and then behaved in such self-serving ways, putting themselves before God and all others in the congregation, that we can no longer be a part of that church.  The Four have been as selfish and demanding as spoiled children who only want their own way at all costs.  When they couldn't bully and badger hard enough to get their own way, they had a tantrum, treated people in hurtful and cruel ways, made very poor decisions, and declared themselves victorious.  Then they made up stories filled with half-truths and fabrications to justify their actions. Never once did they ask the congregation what was important to them.  Never once did they take anyone else's opinions into consideration. Just four guys on a power trip, and they ripped our church apart.

It has been such a terrible, eye-opening experience and I fully understand now why people walk away from the church and never look back.  It's because of people like this, who make the church a defiled, hypocritical place.  It has left us broken-hearted, but we will find a new church to call home in time.  One that is God-focused, where everyone is welcome and one's journey with and growth in Christ is more important than a petty, self-serving "Boy's Club" mentality and a dress code.  I wonder if I will ever be able to become as involved as I once was?  My trust in "man" has been shaken.  But my Faith has grown ten times stronger, so maybe that was the whole point.

Quite honestly, our family has grown closer to one another and to God through this difficult time.  There are still so many wonderful people still attending that church who we deeply love but had to leave behind, though it doesn't mean I want them gone from my life.  They are still precious to me.  I once again feel the loss of leaving home, but our family knows right from wrong and we cannot stay where this has been allowed to go on.  Our hearts will heal in time, and we continue to move forward.

Then, Ben had back surgery last week and I am grateful to say that he has had less pain after the surgery than he had going into the surgery!  I've not seen him stand so straight and tall for over a year.  It's been a long road leading to this point in our lives, and now he is on the road to recovery.  Finally and at last!  We are blessed to have been at Riverside in Columbus, and I can hands down say it was the best hospital experience we've ever had!  We both thought the place was great! Hopefully within two months he'll be feeling very much improved.

The hard part of Ben's surgery was that the Dr. told us Ben might come home same day, or possibly have to stay the night if he was to leak spinal fluid after the surgery.  The day AFTER the surgery, the Dr.'s partnering Dr. came in to visit and said, "Oh no...generally people having this surgery stay two to three days!" Ben and I had not planned for that, had not budgeted for that, and had not anticipated having to have someone care for our children for that long.  Thankfully my mother was able to stay with the boys until we came home two days later!  Thankfully my father was able to loan us some money to help with surviving the extra motel costs (two extra nights) and having to eat out constantly (me....Ben was getting room service, of course!)  I had brief aggravation until I got my perspective back on track, and everything worked out.

It wasn't so easy on Eli.  As much as he loves Grandma, having mom and dad gone for more than overnight was a severe upset to his "normal routines", and he did not handle the second half of our absence very well.

 So what's my point here?  Point is...life is hard!!  Just when you get to a place and you think everything is going along just the way you want it to, it can all fall apart.  It helps to know who you are and what you stand for, as well as what you won't.  It helps to have a solid foundation of faith for comfort and guidance.  It helps to know how to keep your eyes focused on the right things, to know how to regain proper perspective and keep a positive attitude during the most difficult of times.

God's been working on me steadily for the last year to drive these skills home, and though I'm not great at them yet, I'm far better at them than I was before. I'm learning to survive the trials of life.  I'm learning to hand it all up and relinquish control.  I have learned quite well that I am not in charge, I do not have control and, the most comforting part, I do NOT have to fix it!  All I have to do is trust, and wait.  He will manage the rest.  

As the whirlwind turns....

A month and a half ago I made the very difficult, very painful decision to give up my second, part-time bookkeeping job.  As much as I loved the job, I felt I needed to be home more.  I knew I would miss the work, and especially the added income!  But I had to make a choice as to what my priorities were, and after a lot of prayer, I knew the right decision.  So, with tears, I tenured my resignation.

I spent the month of October training my replacement, who will do a wonderful job, and Friday, November 2nd, was my last night working there.  It was bittersweet as I left for the last time, leaving my keys in an envelope on the office manager's desk, and walking across the parking lot in the dark to my car.  My last Friday night away from home.  I didn't cry.  I felt a good deal of relief in fact...but it was still sad.  I have spent every Monday evening and Friday night, at that job for the past four years.  It felt like leaving home.  But there's excitement in the freedom!  Maybe now I can go to movie on a Friday night!  Maybe now I can attend all those "things" I've had to decline over the past four years ... how many times have I said, "No, I'm sorry...I have to work that night."?  Maybe now I can say, "Sure!  I'd LOVE to go!"

A few posts back I mentioned the decision to start taking better care of myself.  I was going to have to clear the excess out of my life in order to stop running myself into the ground.  I need to be around for a long, long time for Ash and Eli.  I need to be healthy.  I want to know my grandchildren.  I want to still be living an active life even when I'm 85 years old!

So I began the process!  I'm getting rid of the excess.  Excess obligations.  Excess weight (slooow process, but it IS happening!) And I'm promoting more of the positives in my life....more family time, more downtime, more rest.  I NEED to have more exercise, but I haven't gotten there yet!

How about you?  Are there things you need to leave behind?  Things you need to walk away from?  Are there things in your life that are weighing you down and making it so you cannot do the things you want to do, or BE the person you want to be?

As 2012 is winding down, maybe it's time to stop and really look at your life.  What really is your TOP priority?  Is that where you are spending the majority of your time? Your effort? Your money?  Is that what you are working the hardest to nurture?

If you're not, it's time to make a change.  It won't be easy.  It won't be without pain and loss.  But if that one "thing" is really the most important thing, then you should certainly sacrifice the rest to put it first.  Because we really don't know what tomorrow brings.