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Ohio, United States
My journey before and after bariatric surgery.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Tomorrow: Saturday's Adventure

Tomorrow, the whole family is going - for the first time - to the local Farmer's Market to buy our food groceries.  I'm so excited I can't stand it!  I wanna go NOW!  I'm trying so hard to get back on this bandwagon of healthier eating and eating mostly REAL food.... I keep falling off because processed garbage is so much easier.  And tastes so good. But I'm not giving up!!!!  So off to the Farmer's Market we go! 

I told the boys they could each have money to go buy things for themselves, as long as it's REAL FOOD.  

Ash immediately wondered aloud, "I hope they have REAL CANDY!"  

Sigh.  Do ya think he's missing the point?

So I altered my offer a bit to encourage them in the right direction.... You can buy some real food candy - if that even exists - but not until you find at least one real food that you are willing to eat, or at least try.  I'm trying to expand their minds here!  I don't care if it's a fruit, a veggie, cheese, bread, nuts, meat...I don't care!  As long as they find it themselves and are willing to give it a shot! I want them to share the joy of trying something new and of being a part of the process.  

Ash is generally open to trying any new foods.  Eli, on the other hand, really struggles with even being willing to taste anything new.  The first time we offered him ice cream (several years back), he fought us tooth and nail about even tasting it!  We remind him of that all the time, and he's really quite tired of hearing the story.  But hey!  It gets the point across!  Once he finally tried the ice cream, he was instantly in love with it!  Of course he was!  It was ICE CREAM!  Veggies are a different story of course.  He won't eat ranch dressing, or I'd coax him with dipping things in ranch.  Personally, I think if he TRIED ranch, he'd like it, but hey...what do I know!? 

I would very much like to get Eli on board with this whole "healthier eating" thing.  It's a hard enough struggle going from easy food to real food.... but when you put all that time and effort into preparing something, only to have the one kid, who you really, really need to convert, turn up his nose and gag... well, man, it just takes the wind right out of my sails. 

So that's why I'm dragging the whole family with me tomorrow!  I want it to be a fun outing!  I want it to be SO MUCH fun to Eli that the idea of buying his own new, real food to try suddenly seems like a great time and a wonderful idea!!!

Wish us luck!  I'm very hopeful to get pictures and have my next post be a completely positive and uplifting tale of progress made!!!  

Stay tuned...............

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