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Ohio, United States
My journey before and after bariatric surgery.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Oh the daily challenges .... but watch how it works out

Guess how many times Sami had Ben and me up last night... three.  Three times!!  She's like having a newborn in the house! (Okay, okay, I guess essentially that's about accurate...) 

It's not every night.  Some nights she actually sleeps the whole night!  Usually she gets me up at least once to go out.  But last night it was THREE TIMES!   

The first time - 2:45 a.m. - she really needed to go out and pee.  Okay. No problem. 

Second time -- 3:45 a.m. - I told Ben there was no way she needed to go out again, she was just out an hour ago!  But he did get up with her to give her a chance...wouldn't you know it, the ol' faker didn't have to go out, but when she came back inside she started prancing around like she thought she was going to get breakfast.  Ben set her straight.  No breakfast at 3:45 a.m.  Sorry.

By the time the alarm was going off at 5:15 a.m. she was half hysterical.  I was ticked.  Usually I get to hit snooze for a few minutes, but not this morning!  Oh no!  Not unless I wanted this entire side of the county awakened because Yappy McGee was apparently really hungry.  I took her out and all she did was chew on the leash.  I fed her.  Then Ben got up with her so I could have a whole 10 minutes more of sleep before heading off to work. 

Goofy dog.

Here's the really amazing part.  I'm not even all that upset with her, and you wanna know why?  Look how she earns her keep!

Sami seemed to sense Eli's upset and calmed
herself down, and then worked to calm Eli down too!
Last night the older boy in the house was apparently having a massive hormone avalanche and was a major cranky-pants!  We're within six days of the next full moon, so Eli's feelings were easily hurt.  It might have escalated into a meltdown, but .... Sami came to the rescue! 

Can she sense Eli's upset?  Can she smell his sadness?  Can she tell when he's on the verge of losing it?  I have no idea, but ten minutes before these pictures were taken she was completely riled up, running all over the living room, jumping on Eli, trying to bite his clothing, jumping on his head, etc, because she was wanting to play.  She would NOT calm down, and finally I had Eli get up and start getting ready for bed, because I was actually afraid he was going to end up hurt. 

After he got his feelings hurt, he was all upset and looking like he was either going to cry or have an outburst of anger in retaliation, Sami instantly calmed down, wrapped her paws around him and began licking him.  She licked his face, his ear, she nuzzled him and licked him some more.  Within moments, he was calmed and smiling.  He loves her so much! 

Chalk one up for the puppy!  That's one more meltdown averted!

Sami licking Eli's face and ear to comfort him
It does get me thinking however.  If the older boy, who is typically developing in every way, is prone to such hormonal upheavals and upsets.... what does that mean for Eli when he's that age?  I'd love to hear more from other parents with TEENS on the spectrum or be directed to resources out there that will aid with this.  Restraining an hysterical teenager is a whole different issue than restraining an hysterical little one.  Eli's ten now...he's hit double digits.  He's still not very big at this point, and I could probably hold on to him if I really had to...at some risk to myself, however.  Our older son is already nearly 6 feet tall.  If Eli is that big in another 5 years, what exactly will I do then?

Hopefully by that time he will have more coping strategies under his belt, and hopefully by then Sami will be a full grown dog who is still a great help to Eli in allowing him to relax.   Sometimes when I start thinking about the future and all the things we MIGHT face, I get a little tense and think maybe Sami needs to come lick my face and ears!  But then I remember just Who it is we are leaning on, and I hand it all up to Him.  I will trust and take one day at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! This journey is a day by day, minute by minute faith walk, yes?

    I just wanted to chime in and recommend teenautism.com written by my friend Tanya. She no longer blogs regularly but the site has lots of valuable info!

    Blessings to you and your Eli!
